Lack of Foreign Policy Focus in the Vice Presidential Debate

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The vice-presidential debate missed a crucial opportunity to address global threats like Russia’s war in Ukraine and China’s ambitions in Taiwan. It’s essential to hear from the candidates on how they would confront these pressing foreign policy issues.

The recent vice-presidential debate between Senator J.D. Vance and Governor Tim Walz highlighted a glaring oversight by the moderators: the almost complete absence of foreign policy questions. While domestic issues are undoubtedly important, the safety and security of the United States are increasingly intertwined with global events. As America plays a pivotal role on the world stage, hearing the vice-presidential candidates' thoughts on foreign policy—especially concerning key geopolitical threats like Russia and China—should have been a priority.

America Is Not Insulated from Global Threats

The United States cannot afford to be insular when it comes to security and foreign policy. Being the leader of the free world comes with responsibilities that extend far beyond our borders, and protection of our allies is critical to our own national security. Focusing solely on domestic policy during a vice-presidential debate ignores the reality that some of the biggest threats to America come from beyond our shores.

While the debate briefly touched on China, it was in the context of solar panels and economic competition. This narrow framing missed the broader, more pressing issue: China’s growing military aggression and its ambitions to take control of Taiwan by force if necessary. The vice-presidential candidates should have been asked how they plan to address China’s challenge to global order, especially given its increasingly assertive stance in the Indo-Pacific region.

Governor Walz's experience living and teaching in China during his early years could offer valuable insights, but it also raises concerns about whether his time there has made him overly sympathetic toward China. Viewers were left wondering about his stance on China’s aggressive foreign policy, particularly how he would respond to provocations like the militarization of the South China Sea and the threats to Taiwan. It’s crucial to understand whether he would hold China accountable, or as some fear, potentially give it a "free pass" due to his early personal connections and experiences in the country.

The Russia-China Alliance: A Growing Threat

Equally concerning is the evolving alliance between Russia and China. Both countries are working deliberately to shift global power in their favor, often by undermining the international rule of law that has kept global peace for decades. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a clear example of this. For more than 50 years, international laws and norms have governed how nations interact, but Russia’s blatant disregard for these norms in Ukraine demonstrates a dangerous shift toward global instability.

The absence of questions about the U.S. role in countering Russian aggression and its ongoing war in Ukraine was a missed opportunity to gauge the vice-presidential candidates' views on this critical issue. The debate briefly mentioned the Middle East, but this was the only reference to foreign threats, leaving out critical discussions on broader international dangers. The United States has played a pivotal role in supporting Ukraine, but what happens next? Would these potential vice presidents continue that support? How would they handle NATO’s collective defense responsibilities? These are questions the American people need answered, particularly as the Russia-China alliance threatens to destabilize the balance of power.

Taiwan: The Future of Democracy at Risk

Another major concern is China’s ambitions toward Taiwan, a thriving democracy in the Indo-Pacific region. The debate's lack of focus on Taiwan was an oversight, especially given the importance of U.S. support for the island nation. China has made no secret of its desire to bring Taiwan under its control, even threatening to use military force if necessary. The world’s free nations—led by the United States—must stand by Taiwan’s democracy to ensure it remains independent.

If the U.S. fails to support Taiwan, it would signal to China and the world that authoritarian regimes can expand unchecked. More concerningly, it would erode America’s credibility as a defender of global democracy. The failure to ask the vice-presidential candidates about their stance on Taiwan, China’s growing military aggression, and their plans to uphold international law and order was a significant lapse in the debate.

The Importance of NATO and Global Alliances

One of the cornerstones of U.S. foreign policy has been its commitment to NATO, the military alliance that has helped maintain peace in Europe since the end of World War II. However, NATO’s relevance has come into question in recent years, particularly during times of political tension. The debate did not address whether the vice-presidential candidates support the continuation and strengthening of NATO.

Given Russia’s continued aggression in Ukraine and China’s rise, NATO is more important than ever. Vice-presidential candidates need to articulate their vision for the future of the NATO alliance and whether they would work to ensure its continued relevance. A question on NATO would have shed light on how these candidates plan to navigate international relations in an increasingly volatile world.

Conclusion: A Missed Opportunity on Critical Foreign Policy Issues

In a world where the threats America faces are not just domestic but global, the lack of focus on foreign policy during the vice-presidential debate was a major oversight. The safety and security of the United States cannot be assured by ignoring the challenges posed by powers like Russia and China, who seek to reshape the global order to their advantage.

Foreign policy is not just the domain of the president. As the last person a president consults before making crucial decisions, the vice president’s stance on these issues matters greatly. The debate’s failure to probe the candidates’ views on international threats, particularly the Russia-China alliance, was a missed opportunity to understand how they would handle some of the most pressing security challenges of our time.

Without strong leadership and a clear strategy for engaging with the world, America’s role as a defender of democracy and global stability could be in jeopardy. The American people deserve to know where potential vice presidents stand on these issues because the future of the free world depends on it.

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